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European Thermal Spraying Specialist

EWF Training Course European Thermal Spraying Specialist (ETSS) acc. to Guideline EWF 459

Course language: English


Supervising/coordinating personnel, foremen, executives in the field of thermal spraying


High-quality and economic thermal spraying requires a specialized technical knowledge. Thermal sprayed coatings are applied in many industrial and also high tech sectors. The requirements to the quality of the sprayed coatings are often very high and can only be achieved if planning, execution and controlling of a thermal sprayed coating is performed by a skilled expert from the first draft until the last production step. That is why a supplementary education has been created by the EWF – European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting – with the course of the European Thermal Specialist. This course is performed according to the training guideline EWF 459 (DVS-EWF 1188) and is concluded by exams according to guideline EWF 459 (DVS-EWF 1189).

Required Qualification

a) Specific technical qualifications as a master in trade or industry, education either as a technician or engineer with a two-years of professional experience or adequate, see also Appendix 1 of EWF 459 for each country.
b) EWF qualification acc. to training guideline (EWF 507) as European Thermal Sprayer (ETS) and min. 2 years of experience.
c) Thermal Sprayer and 5 years of experience or qualification as a skilled worker in the metal processing trade and min. of 3 years of experience in a technology similar to spraying (skilled worker with certificate by the IHK – Industry of Trade and Commerce) or adequate, see also Appendix 0 of EWF 459 for each country.


For participants only fulfilling the required qualification according to b) and c) a qualification test (entry test) is required.


15 days (3 weeks)
Lessons in the first two weeks of teaching will take place exclusively via webinar.”

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SLV München